The hallmark of a design-build project is that only one organization is responsible to the owner for both the design and construction of the facility, which helps foster collaboration and focus on the project objectives. Since construction in the design-build project delivery method runs concurrently with the design process, your project can be completed more quickly than the traditional linear method or contracting offer. As drawings are developed, U-SMC serves as a single point of contact working with the designers to help define functional requirements, detail the budget, and streamline the schedule. Our ability to identify lead items, phase construction, and prepare bid packages that make sense has proven to save months on the schedule, reduce change orders, and save our clients millions in design and construction costs.
Our Performance
U-SMC has developed organizational/technical resources and techniques which consistently yield best value results for our clients. We know the key to a successful program is a coordinated effort and tight management of every facet of a project through a single point of contact. U-SMC draws from architectural and engineering firms with whom we have established professional long-term working relationships. Our successful work with the design and engineering professionals translates into a seamless design-build experience for our clients, based on the partnership between the design and construction teams and our clients. U-SMC also maintains excellent working relationships with specialty subcontractors who have proven performance histories and Federal construction experience for design-build construction and who share U-SMC’s values for customer satisfaction. These subcontractors function as an auxiliary workforce for U-SMC, which has allowed us to successfully perform our awarded projects.

One entity, the design-builder,
is accountable for the
entire project.
As a general contractor, our management philosophy centers around meeting or exceeding our clients' goals for each project. U-SMC's contract management personnel have a combined 110 years of project management experience on public and private sector projects. U-SMC continues to achieve customer satisfaction through accurate estimates, comprehensive program/project CPM scheduling, quality control procedures, and a safety program in compliance with OSHA, State, Local and installation regulations. U-SMC has developed a comprehensive safety training program that utilizes both hands-on, instructor-driven and web-based training, recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches. Hands-on training provides personnel with the experiential understanding of safety concepts required to perform tasks safely, as they would be encountered on site, by incorporating the use of actual field and PPE equipment, and realistic site conditions into the training scenarios.
Our past performance record of proven success is clear evidence that convincingly demonstrates our ability to manage and construct multiple construction projects based on our personnel, processes and procedures. We are confident that we can successfully provide responsive construction services using the structure, systems, and objectives we have developed to achieve superior performance.